UltraRunning Magazine

Tropical John Medinger – Former UR Publisher and Past President of WS100 Board

Amy Clark

“Tropical” John Medinger has been involved in the sport of ultrarunning since 1981, when the first issue of UltraRunning Magazine was published. His impact has been widespread – from the Western States president to publisher of UR, to founder of some of the sport’s most notable races including Quad Dipsea and Lake Sonoma 50. Needless to say, he’s easily earned a spot as one of the most respected legends in the sport of ultrarunning.

While Tropical John’s voice can be heard announcing finishers at the Western States finish line in Auburn, he also maintains a prominent voice in the magazine. We spoke with John about his ultrarunning career, the history of the magazine, as well as his piece, “Four Decades of Ultrarunning” in the 40th anniversary special issue coming out in February.


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