UltraRunning Magazine

Runners start the Night Hawk 50k. With a unique start time of 8p.m., runners traverse the course at night with a 10-hour cutoff. Photo: Kristi Mayo / Mile 90 Photography

The Night Hawk Is No Exaggeration

Laura Kantor

I almost lost my friend Todd at the Night Hawk 50K in Lawrence, Kansas. Well, not literally. When we arrived at the start/finish to begin a third loop, he grumbled, “I’m not speaking to you anymore.” He’s a road runner and I had finally convinced him to give trail running a try at the Night Hawk.

He had listened to my Night Hawk race reports on Saturday long runs for the last five years. Maybe he thought I was exaggerating about the rocky, root-strewn trails at night with a potential hazard of tripping and elevation gain of 2,400 feet. During a flood year, with a chest-high water crossing, there were allegedly copperhead snakes, ticks, oppressive humidity (even in the unlikely event it cooled down) and dehydration.

Once I roped him into running it himself, he found out all my stories were true.

Fortunately, after a fabulous post-race breakfast burrito, he began speaking to me again, as he finally understood the twisted attraction to this race. During the 6.5 endless miles to the first aid station, breaking out of the woods to the amazing volunteers and then a somewhat “easier” 3.5 miles back to the start, everyone you pass cheers you on.

Spending night hours on the trail offers a surreal experience normally reserved for 100-milers. Even though I almost got knocked out by bad hydration (but recovered fast enough for a strong final lap), I’ll be back in 2025, and I suspect Todd will join me.

Full results here.
